Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Implement Google Analytics into your notion page.
Try in your page ! (demo)

paste the url into your Notion page's /embed block.

1. Go to your Google Analytics dashboard and Click "Set up for free." 2. Create account -> select Web -> Fill property set up (use your URL from step 1) -> click create If you have your own domain for your page, use yours instead of '' 3. After creating, you will face your 'Tracking ID' like below. 4. Build your Embedding URL using Tracking ID, domain, page info to below. Embedding URL template (don't paste this directly. make sure you put your OWN information)
- if you have your own domain. use your domain for YOUR_NOTION_DOMAIN. (it has to be identical with Google Analytics domain. - YOUR_NOTION_PAGE can be anything. It will be referred to a page in the Google Analytics dashboard. 5. Paste the Embedding URL from Step 5. into your Notion page's Embed block. Hooray! 🎉🎉 Got your first GA stats.

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over 1 year ago


GA4, can't use UA, RIP

over 1 year ago

no work

doesn't work

over 2 years ago

Stanislas BASQUIN

Really Hard to implement, I haven't figured out how to make it work, on both GA4 and UA. The views are working though inside Apption but G-Analytics doesn't count them

over 2 years ago


Also doesn't work for me

almost 3 years ago

David Hahn

I don't think it's working... :-(

almost 3 years ago


Hi guys, works well for me ! A question though : is it normal that all geographic data comes from San José, CA ? Is there a way to get around this issue and have the real insights about users ?

almost 4 years ago

looking for something else?

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