1. Visit the website and go to your profile page.
2. Click 'Edit public profile & URL' from top/right page.
3. Scroll to the bottom and find 'Public Profile badge'
4. Copy the codes from Step 1 & Step 2. (don't paste this into Notion. it won't work yet.)
🙏 Make sure you copy TWO(Step 1 & Step 2) codes.
5. Generate
Notion Embedable URL with your Codes(from Step 1 & Step 2).
6. Paste the URL into your Notion Embed block.
Is not working, scam to register at their plattform
Still Works, nice!
Marcelo Laurentino
Broken Tutorial, not working
curious user
The steps are confusing.
I'm lost how to do the step 5
Mariel Lopez
It works!
it works now :)