Apple Music

Apple Music

Share your favorite playlist.
Try in your page ! (demo)

paste the url into your Notion page's /embed block.

1. Visit the website and get your playlist. 2. In the top right of the screen, click '...' -> 'share' -> 'Copy Embed Code' 3. Paste the Copied Code into your Notion Embed block.


Same issue: this probably an Apple Music web authentication issue. Has anyone escalated to Apple?

over 2 years ago


It only plays the first 15-30s per song. I also have to sign in but it also encounters problem multiple times. Simply doesn't work for me.

over 2 years ago


1. visit website above (i just clicked the green website button) it should take you to your apple music (i have my sign in to apple music automatic). 2. find the playlist or album you want to add to notion, click the three little dots and click " copy embeded code". 3. go to notion use the /embed command paste in the link spot and boom it should work :)

over 2 years ago


why cant i sign in bro

over 2 years ago


okay, idk if this will work for you, but it did for me- try going onto the actual webpage (like on the internet) and copy the embedded code from there.

over 2 years ago


says network error

over 2 years ago


I am subscribed to Apple Music but its not letting me sign in on notion so it doesn't play the full songs :((

over 2 years ago

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